At the R2 stage, the plant is beginning full bloom. The appearance of flowers begins to slow. Nitrogen (N) fixation increases rapidly and nodulation is at maximum. Flowers at most nodes throughout the plant. In determinant types the top node should have nearly fully expanded trifoliate leaves. For indeterminant types the top nodes may have trifoliates and blooms developing concurrently at each node. Especially for indeterminant types there will be small pods forming at the lower nodes. The plant normally sets more blooms than it can fill and most nodes will have multiple flowers. As stresses occur over the next 2 weeks many of these will abort instead of developing viable pods.
Pests to Scout For:
Use this information as a guide and it should not be the only factor in making decisions.
Reproductive Soybean Growth Stages & Scouting Tips
» R3: Beginning Pod Development
Vegetative Soybean Growth Stages & Scouting Tips