Key Features

Pioneer® Brand corn hybrid seeds are developed to help local farmers in making optimum profit from our products. Tested in local conditions, our hybrid seeds are superior to to others available in the market, as our hybrid corn varieties offer value to farmers in all regions and cropping environments across India.

Discover the key features of P3501 corn hybrid seeds.

Technical Specifications






135 CRM, Full Maturity

Crop Duration

Crop Duration

115-118 in South & West Area.
Around 100 days in UP









RAI - Rainy Assured Irrigation & Assured Rainfall

Growing Conditions

Growing Conditions

Protective Irrigation & Assured Rainfall
Medium to High Management
Medium to Heavy Soils
Non NLB Geographies

Seed Rate

Seed Rate

7 (kg/a)

Recommended Spacing

Recommended Spacing

60 cm X 24 cm

Planting Population/acre

Planting Population/acre


Target Geographies

Target Geographies

Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh

How to cultivate Pioneer rainy corn seeds?

1. Land Preparation Phase

Pioneer Corn Seeds

No of Days: 0
Stage: Field Preparation
For better germination, prepare the land to fine tilth by one or two ploughings at 15 cm depth, followed by two harrowings.

Apply 5 MT or 10 to 15 cartloads of compost manure before final harrowing.

2. Planting/Sowing Phase

Pioneer Corn Seeds

No of Days: 0
Stage: Sowing
Select the right Pioneer Hybrid based on growing conditions - rainfed/irrigated.

Seed should be planted by hand, dibbling or seed drill machine by maintaining appropriate row to row and plant to plant distance.

To maintain 30,000 plant population plant as below:

  • If the row to row spacing is 60 cm, keep plant to plant distance 22 cm.
  • If the row to row spacing is 55 cm - then keep seed to seed distance at 24 cm.
  • Keep in mind that 8 kg of seed is required per each acre you want to plant.

Apply 25 kg Urea + 50 kg DAP + 25 kg MoP + 10 kg Zinc as basal application at the time of sowing.

Corn crop should be kept free from weed till 30-40 days.

To protect plants early on from insects and pests, plant Pioneer LumiGEN brand seeds (LumiGEN CT Seeds).

For good germination - sow at optimum moisture.

3. Vegetative Phase

Pioneer Corn Seeds

Phase 01

No of Days: 15 to 30 days
Stage: Seedling Stage (V4 to V6 Stage)
For weed control, apply 30 ml Reclera per acre + 500 g Soolambouy per acre at 3 to 5 leaf stage of the weeds.

For better results, always use flood jet nozzle while spraying and maintain optimum moisture at the time of herbicide spraying.

For good weed control ensure weeds are not competing for nutrition. This will help in good establishment of the crop and result in higher yields.

Corn crop requires proper protection from early insects and pests (mainly Fall Armyworms) to avoid loss of plants and yield. The estimated damage due to early insects and pests in corn is estimated to be up to 15%-20%, or even higher under severity which is direct loss of plants leading to reduced population and yield.

For fffective control of Fall Armyworms, spray Delegate (Spinetoram) on a day between 15 to 20 at the rate of 100 ml/acre in 200 litres of Water.

Repeat the spray on a day between 25 to 30 at the rate 100 ml/acre in 200 litres of water.

Phase 02

No of Days: 30 to 35 days
Stage: Knee Height Stage (V6 to V8 Stage)
To protect the crop from early insects like Stem Borers which damage plants and incur 15%-20% yield loss, apply insecticide Chlorantriliprole at 80 ml/acre on a day between 20 to 25.

It protects the plants and helps in maintaining right population.

4. Knee High Stage

Pioneer Corn Seeds

No of Days: 30 to 35 days
Stage: Knee Height Stage (V6 to V8 Stage)
Knee high stage is a critical stage for water and fertilizer management. Insufficient moisture at this stage may lead to poor tassel and ear formation and yield loss up to 15%.

Ensure proper moisture through irrigation at this stage, followed by fertilizer application at 20 kg urea/acre.

In high rain and humid areas, plant leaves show disease symptoms of NLB (leaf blight). For effective control of Foliar Disease - take up prophylactic spray of Azoxystrobin 18.2% w/w + Difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC (Amistar Top) on a day between 40 to 45 after sowing at 200 ml/acre. It protects the crop from foliar disease and helps in getting higher yields.

5. Reproductive Stage

Pioneer Corn Seeds

No of Days: 55 to 65 days
Stage: Flowering Stage (VT to R1)
Optimum moisture is required at flowering stage for better pollination.

Ensure optimum moisture at this stage through irrigation or rain water. Apply 40 kg urea + 20 kg MoP at flowering stage which is a between 55 to 65 days.

6. Kernel Development Stage

Pioneer Corn Seeds

No of Days: 85 to 90 days
Stage: Grain Filling Stage (R3 to R4 Stage)
This is the most important stage as grain filling starts in the cobs and in this stage you can ensure higher yield.

For better grain filling, keep optimum moisture in the field to ensure higher yield by 25%.

In case of water is more in the field, please drain out the excess water from the field to help grow normally.

7. Physiological Maturity

Pioneer Corn Seeds

No of Days: 110 to 120 days
Stage: Maturity/ Harvesting
For higher yield realization from Pioneer corn hybrids the crop should be harvested at physiological maturity or right moisture.

Harvest the crop when grain moisture is approximately at 20-25%.

Early harvest at higher moisture reduces the yield due to shrinking of grain size.

The right harvesting stage can be determined by seeing a black layer at the bottom/nose of grains.

Harvesting at right stage helps in getting higher yield to the farmers.

Tips to Improve Corn Crop Yield

  1. Selecting the Right and Best Hybrid Seeds

    Selecting the right hybrid seed to sustain various conditions.

  2. Plant the Right Number of Crops

    For the best yield, it is essential that you plant the right number of crops.

  3. Irrigation

    For maximum/best yield optimum irrigation is required.

  4. Using Fertilizers

    To maintain optimum soil conditions, at the time of seeding fertilizing the corn is very important.

  5. Weed Control

    Prevention of weeds must take place for good yield.

  6. Pest Control

    Preventing pest infestation is important for good crop and yield.

  7. Diseases Prevention

    Crops should remain diseases free for optimum yield.

  8. Harvesting and Storage

    When the corn kernels have the right moisture i.e., 20-25% the crop is ready to be harvested.


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