Performance of the New Fungicide Seed Treatment Ethaboxam in Corn

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Introduction and Objective

  • Ethaboxam is a new fungicide seed treatment (FST) component added to the standard Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment (PPST) offering for corn. The active ingredient ethaboxam is active against several Pythium spp. that are damaging to corn seed and seedlings.
  • The objective of this research was to evaluate performance of the current standard PPST compared to PPST with the addition of ethaboxam FST.
  • The FST components of PPST + ethaboxam include: mefenoxam, fludioxonil, azoxystrobin, thiabendazole plus the new addition ethaboxam.

Study Description

  • Years: 2013, 2014 and 2015
  • Locations: 50 replicated research locations
  • Plot Design: 4 row by 17 ft plots with 4 replications per location
  • Treatments:
    1. Current standard PPST
    2. PPST + ethaboxam FST


Side by side comparison of insecticide seed treatment (IST) only, standard PPST, and PPST + ethaboxam.

Side by side comparison of insecticide seed treatment (IST) only (left), standard PPST (center), and PPST + ethaboxam (right) in a 2015 Pioneer research trial in Johnston, Iowa.


  • The addition of ethaboxam FST increased corn grain yield by an average of 2.9 bu/acre over the standard PPST across three years and 50 research locations.
  • There was a positive yield advantage with the addition of ethaboxam in 31 of 50 locations (62%).
Average CRW node injury for Qrome products and the non-protected check at moderate and high CRW pressure locations.

Figure 1. Yield advantage of PPST + ethaboxam over standard PPST at 50 Pioneer research locations, 2013-2015.

Authors: Keith O’Bryan and Meredith Burnison

The foregoing is provided for informational use only. Please contact your Pioneer sales professional for information and suggestions specific to your operation. 2013-2015 data are based on average of all comparisons made in 50 locations through Nov. 30, 2015. Multi-year and multi-location is a better predictor of future performance. Do not use these or any other data from a limited number of trials as a significant factor in product selection. Product responses are variable and subject to a variety of environmental, disease, and pest pressures. Individual results may vary.