Evaluation of N Rate and Application Timing for Furrow Irrigated Corn

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  • Evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) rate and application timing on yield of Pioneer® brand corn hybrids grown in the Mid-South on heavy clay soils using furrow irrigation.

Study Description

University Collaborator: Dr. Nathan Slaton, Univ. of Arkansas
Plot Layout: 4 rows, 30 feet long
Experimental Design: Randomized Complete Block Design, 4 replications
Number of Locations: 1
Soil Type: Sharkey Clay
  • Nitrogen Rate:
230 lbs/acre, 300 lbs/acre
  • Application Timings:
     –   90 lb/acre at planting followed by remainder at V5
     –   90 lb/acre at planting followed by remainder at V5 followed by 50 lbs/acre
    2 days before silking
     –   90 lb/acre at planting followed by remainder at V5 followed by 50 lbs/acre
    2 weeks before silking
  • Pioneer® Hybrids:
   P1319HR (HX1, LL, RR2) and P2088YHR (YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2)
were used in this study.
Eastern Agronomy Research


  • Corn yields were generally not affected by N application timing but were significantly impacted by N rate.
  • Increasing the N rate from 230 to 300 lbs/acre increased yields 17 and 30 bu/acre for Pioneer® hybrid P1319HR and P2088YHR, respectively.
  • This may indicate that fuller-season hybrids benefit more from additional N later in the growing season.
  • With 230 lbs/acre N, reserving 50 lbs/acre of the total N for a later application reduced the number of kernel rings on the cob, which is another indicator that 230 lbs/acre N is likely not enough N for corn grown using furrow irrigation on heavy-textured soils in the Mid-South, especially in years that have excessive early rainfall.
Nitrogen Rate and Application Timing Effects on Number of Kernel Ratings
   90 lb/acre at planting followed by remainder at V5
   90 lb/acre at planting followed by remainder at V5 followed by 50 lbs/acre
   2 days before silking
   90 lb/acre at planting followed by remainder at V5 followed by 50 lbs/acre
   2 weeks before silking
Nitrogen Rate Effect on Yield of Corn Hybrids

For individual hybrids or rates, means with the same letter are not significantly different based on Tukey’s HSD test conducted at the alpha = 0.05 level.

PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. 2013 data are based on average of all comparisons made in one location through November 18, 2013. Multi-year and multi-location is a better predictor of future performance. Do not use these or any other data from a limited number of trials as a significant factor in product selection. Product responses are variable and subject to a variety of environmental, disease, and pest pressures. Individual results may vary


YGCB,HX1,LL,RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect®) - Contains the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene and Herculex® I gene for resistance to corn borer.
Herculex® I Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
YieldGard®, the YieldGard Corn Borer Design and Roundup® Ready are registered trademarks used under license from Monsanto Company.
Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer.

HX1 – Contains the Herculex® I Insect Protection gene which provides protection against European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, black cutworm, fall armyworm, lesser corn stalk borer, southern corn stalk borer, and sugarcane borer; and suppresses corn earworm. Herculex® I Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC.

YGCB – The YieldGard® Corn Borer gene offers a high level of resistance to European corn borer, southwestern corn borer and southern cornstalk borer; moderate resistance to corn earworm and common stalk borer; and above average resistance to fall armyworm.
YieldGard®, the YieldGard Corn Borer design and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks used under license from Monsanto Company.

LL - Contains the LibertyLink® gene for resistance to Liberty® herbicide.
Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer.