Maximizing Soybean Yields

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Articles examine agronomic practices that may help you increase soybean yields and profits.

Read about factors affecting soybean stand establishment and how to adjust seeding rates to compensate for common losses of stand.

Nitrogen Fertilizer for Soybean? 
Some soil fertility recommendations are now suggesting that nitrogen fertilizer applications may be needed at very high soybean yield levels.

10 Crop Management Tips for Higher Yields
Get highlights from recent DuPont Pioneer studies that identify crop management practices that may help you increase soybean yields.

Row Width Trends in Soybeans
Row width is one of the management practices most often considered by growers as potentially important to increase soybean yields and profits. Learn more about research results and current row spacing trends.

High-Yield Soybean Management
Growing soybeans requires more management today than 20 years ago due to earlier planting and increased disease and insect pressure. Learn more about key steps to maximize soybean yields.

Planting Season Management for High-Yield Soybeans
Soybean variety selection, seeding rate and weed control are key in maximizing soybean yield. Find management tips to follow when planting soybeans that may help boost yields.

Improve Agronomic Practices
Agronomic practices including variety selection, planting practices, soil fertility, crop rotation and others may help increase soybean yields and profits. Get tips.

Overcome SCN, Diseases and Insect Problems
One reason soybean yields have lagged in recent years is the challenges from soybean cyst nematode (SCN), diseases and insects. Learn more.

ID Guide: Cyst Vs. Root-Knot Nematodes
Get tips on how to differentiate between these two nematodes. Also get management recommendations to help protect soybeans yields from these pests.

Use this information as a guide and it should not be the only factor in making decisions.