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When Pioneer introduces a new product, we’re in it for the long haul. Our philosophy of product stewardship means that every step of the way — from initial research to the discontinuation of a product — we’re responsible for managing the life cycle of our technologies for maximum product value, benefits and longevity. That’s why Pioneer requires that all growers comply with regulations, policies and crop management strategies specific to the product.

Technology Use Agreement

As a trait developer, we help ensure our traits are grown and marketed in a way that meets all regulatory requirements. Growers must sign a Technology Use Agreement to cover all traits before obtaining, planting or growing seed. If you have questions, contact your local Pioneer sales representative.

Grain Marketing and Export Approvals

Grain and certain grain by products from some products might not be approved for import into all markets. Pioneer customers are advised to discuss trait acceptance policies with their local grain handler prior to delivering grain containing biotech traits. Access grain marketing resources, low-level presence information and pending export approvals for corn insect protection traits.

Product Use Guides

The Product Use Guides provide stewardship information about Pioneer® brand insect control and herbicide-tolerant traits and set forth requirements and guidelines for the use of these products.

Conventional Validation Certificates

Safety Data Sheets

Each product safety summary from Pioneer includes information on material identification, physical data, fire and explosion data, reactivity, health hazard, first aid, handling procedures, special precautions and shipping regulations.

Trait Technology Safety Data Sheets

Trait technology Safety Data Sheets provide growers with information relating to the protection of human health and safety at the workplace, protection of the environment and supports emergency response.

Weed Resistance Management

Properly managing herbicide tolerant crop technology is important to preserving the effectiveness and value of the tolerant crop seed and its corresponding herbicides in the future. Growers utilizing herbicide programs that include herbicide tolerant crops can do so on an annual basis provided the technology is managed effectively. If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please contact your Pioneer sales professional or agronomist.

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