Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment for Soft Red Winter Wheat

Introduction & Objective

  • Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment (PPST) offering for wheat includes the fungicide seed treatments (FST) Dividend Extreme® (mefenoxam and difenconazole) and Vibrance® (sedaxane) plus the insecticide seed treatment (IST) Gaucho® (imidacloprid).
  • Dividend Extreme/Vibrance wheat FST provides protection against numerous seedborne, soilborne, and foliar diseases, including Pythium, Rhizoctonia and dwarf bunt. The addition of sedaxane FST provides enhanced activity against Rhizoctonia and Fusarium.
  • Gaucho IST provides early-season control of aphids, which can vector the barley yellow dwarf virus, Hessian fly, and suppression of wireworm.
  • Research trials were conducted in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 to evaluate performance of Dividend Extreme/Vibrance FST + Gaucho IST for wheat.

Study Description

  • Years:  2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015
  • Treatments:
    1. Untreated
    2. Dividend Extreme/Vibrance FST (2.8 fl oz/cwt) + Gaucho IST (0.8 fl oz/cwt)
  • Locations: 26 Pioneer research locations
  • Plots: 18 ft long; 6- to 7-inch row spacing
  • Varieties: 2 adapted varieties per location
  • Replications: 6 replications per treatment per location


Field comparison of untreated wheat to wheat treated with Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment

Comparison of untreated wheat to wheat treated with Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment at Salem, IL, May 2016.


Average CRW node injury for Qrome products and the non-protected check at moderate and high CRW pressure locations.

Figure 1. Average yield of soft red winter wheat with and without PPST in 37 Pioneer research studies, 2012-2016.

  • Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment offering provided a significant 2.3 bu/acre yield advantage (positive yield response in 26/37 locations, 70% wins) over the untreated, across 37 research locations in 2012-2016.

Author: Keith O’Bryan


Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. The foregoing is provided for informational use only. Please contact your Pioneer sales professional for information and suggestions specific to your operation. 2012-2016 data are based on average of all comparisons made in 37 locations through Sept 19, 2016. Multi-year and multi-location is a better predictor of future performance. Do not use these or any other data from a limited number of trials as a significant factor in product selection. Product responses are variable and subject to a variety of environmental, disease, and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Dividend Extreme® and Vibrance® are registered trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Gaucho® is a registered trademark of Bayer.