Agronomy •  4/12/2022

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

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Key Points

  • Brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive species that is a serious pest of numerous fruit, vegetable, and field crops.
  • BMSB feeding can impact grain quality by causing damage to soybean seeds and corn ears.

Pest Facts

  • Scientific name is Halyomorpha halys. Introduced to mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. in the late 1990s from Asia.
  • Is a strong flyer, allowing it to disperse broadly across the U.S. Has been found in all states east of the Mississippi and also MN, IA, NE, AZ, CA, OR and WA.
  • May not develop as a significant pest until five or more years after detection in a region.
  • Hosts include over 20 tree, shrub and small fruit species, and many vegetables and field crops, including corn and soybeans. May be highly destructive to crops.
  • Typical of other stink bugs, brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) emits a pungent odor when disturbed.pical of other stink bugs, BMSB emits a pungent odor when disturbed
  • Few natural enemies exist in North America; insect is distasteful to predators.


  • BMSB has distinct doubled white band on antennae. On brown stink bug (BSB), white band is single or nonexistent.
  • BMSB has a broad white pattern on abdomen. Pattern is narrow on BSB.
  • BMSB has red compound and simple eyes. BSB has brown or black eyes.

Photos - Side by side - Identification - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug and Brown Stink Bug

Left: Brown marmorated stink bug - (Halyomorpha halys). Right: Brown stink bug - (Euschistus sp.)


  • BMSB cause damage by injecting saliva and then ingesting the liquified plant material during fruit and seed development and maturation.

Photos - Side by side - BMSB damage to fruit and corn

Left: BMSB damage to fruit. Right: BMSB damage to corn.

Photo - soybeans showing BMSB feeding damage

BMSB damage to soybeans.

Impact on Crops

  • Soybeans are vulnerable to yield loss after R3 and may develop green stems and mature improperly. Seed quality can be negatively impacted.
  • Insect is a threat to sweet corn industry but also feeds and can reproduce on field corn.
  • Stinkbug presence may make silage unpalatable to cattle.
  • Feeding injury on corn ears may increase potential for
    ear molds and can impact grain quality.

Photos - Side by side 
 - soybean leaves and corn ears showing insect infestation and feeding damage

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Lifecycle

  • Develop with incomplete metamorphosis – egg, five instars and adult stage.
  • Eggs are “beer-barrel” shaped, laid in clusters.
  • Brown to black nymphs congregate after hatching.
  • Nymphs lack fully developed wings.

Drawing - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Lifecycle.

Click here or on the image above for a larger view.

Management Considerations

  • Scout soybeans from R2 till mid-August.
  • Scout especially field edges and treat them separately if warranted (see photo below).
  • In soybean the threshold is 2.5 to 3.5 brown marmorated stink bugs every 15 sweeps.
  • Populations will be highest at dusk and dawn, and reinvasion is possible after a pesticide treatment.
  • Many insecticides are labeled for stink bug control, however, BMSB may be more tolerant of many pesticides than other stinkbugs.
  • Nymphs are more sensitive to insecticides than adults.
  • Check local control recommendations and always read and follow label instructions.

Photo - Green soybeans along field edge showing delayed maturity due to BSMB feeding.

Green soybeans along field edge showing delayed maturity (green stem syndrome) due to BSMB feeding.

Further References

The foregoing is provided for informational use only. Please contact your Pioneer sales professional for information and suggestions specific to your operation. Product performance is variable and depends on many factors such as moisture and heat stress, soil type, management practices and environmental stress as well as disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.